Monday, January 14, 2008

Winter Times

Going home (which is such a revolving term anyway) was excellent. It's wierd because when I told people I was going up north I told them I was going home and when I came back down south I told them I was comming back home. My immediate earthly (and spiritual) family makes any place home for me, but thankfully the rest of my church family makes any other place I am home for me as well.

This past week was amazing, hard, intense, fun and depressing all at once. During the week I felt compelled to make quick work of all the things I've been meaning to get done. I feel as I grow up that I will have to continue to be more on top of things. Beyond that, things began to shape up as far as the rest of the year is concerned, God willing. I think I have an internship lined up now and I plan to study in Costa Rica in the fall. I have prayed for both things for well over a year and God has blessed me with both, reminding me that while everything doesn't always go as I want it to, that He does bless me beyond what I deserve.

In doing so I really felt motivated to make this semester really count and to squeeze everthing out of it as God leads me. I really want to make Christ's love shown to others in a more authentic and purposeful way. As I push forward in this I pray with confidence that Christ will use me for His Glory and bring me in contact with others who will both encourage me and those who are searching for Love.

So for this semester I pray two things: that I may love God more and that I may somehow bless His heart despite myself. I pray you all be blessed this semester and the rest of the year in Christ Jesus and that His light may reveal the path at your feet as you search, explore and even fall at His feet.

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