Wednesday, January 30, 2008

" and to walk humbly with your God"

So many times lately I've found myself so wound up about stuff. And most of the things I get worked up about are important things, but I can't solve them alone, and I can only do so much. So this is in response to my last post.

Stuff. God is concerned with our stuff. He is concerned with you and I, and thus He cares about all the stuff in our life. But the key is that since He is concerned with all aspects of our lives, we can let them go and surrender them to God and walk in peace.

I am reminded of the verse in Micah 6:8 where the Lord says " he has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Lately I have felt like Martha, running around wanting to do so much and kicking myself because I didn't do it or didn't do all that I wanted to do (or maybe missed a thing or two because I was exhausted and slept a bit too long). But this morning I just felt God telling me to relax. I have enough stuff on my plate. And throughout college I have just kept coming back to one word-STEWARDSHIP. God is telling me to stop thinking about what I am going to do tomorrow or in the future, or even in the next couple of hours. I am thinking too much. I know I'm not the only one who has this issue. But God was just reminding me to stay faithful to my studies, to work and to the people I am around, and taking the time to rest in His arms because I need that spiritual rest in order to grow as God wants me to.

God still encourages us to dream, but to also find Him in our everyday lives. Some times I think, "well my life isn't super exciting." But we all find ourselves in that situation from time to time. It's ok, we have to have those times or we wouldn't appreciate the stirring times as much. And quite frankly God is using that to remind me that it is about Him. My world tells me that I am the most important thing and that I am the future, but what is the future without God in it? And truthfully we have no significance in and of ourselves. God gives us significance, and without Him we wander around aimlessly. Yes God wants to do great things in us, but it is NEVER because of ourselves that anything great is achieved. Anytime I do something significant in my life it is always IN SPITE OF MYSELF. Because if we look at God's Word, it was never about Israel, it was never about the Disciples, it was all about God and how amazing HE IS that He has done these great things, even with us. He makes us beautiful, and I can be at peace in that. And as far as getting things done, I feel Him calling me to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians). Simply to pray, for there i am humbled and then God hears me from heaven. There I say "You Are..." and in a quiet way worship because HE IS.

May God bless you with a greater understanding of how He is beautiful in you and He gives mankind and the natural world it's beauty. And may this lead you to worship him in your daily life and be able to find significance in His beauty. Amen.

Monday, January 28, 2008


We as a generation of young people have some things to think about, or maybe i just have some things to think about. We live in a generation where we have everything at our fingertips but little of it is worth anything. In fact most of the things society tells us we need, or should have is a bunch of garbage.

Beyond that we have a huge election coming up with puppet leaders whose sole purpose is to be a professional politician- a profession I regret exists. And yet some of our countries greatest problems are staring us in the face, unwilling to budge until we either fix them or push them out of the way until next time. In fact, forget politicians, they haven't served this country since the days of Washington and Lincoln. Did you know that the American people wanted to make George Washington king and he refused?! Imagine one of our inspiring leaders of no consequence doing the same thing!

And if you are a college student like me, how can you not be enraged at the $20,000 to $30,000 price tag on a decent education these days. And even at that money at least half of your classes will be in classrooms filled with 100+ people if you go the public route. Where are the politicians giving a care about that?

In all reality I'm tired of letting somebody else making my bed for me. I don't trust Hillobamliani to solve these issues. I don't know how but I think it's time our generation stand up and make something of this. We are smarter than any other generation before us. We have more opportunity and ingenuity than we know what to do with. So instead of giving up and playing video games or wasting time wondering who's gonna win a screen actors guild award, maybe, just maybe we could do something. From economics to agriculture to marketing to medicine, we know enough, even now to make a difference. Lets dare to dream, and then when God gives us those dreams, lets trust Him enough that if we step out and put our best foot forward that He will provide the stairs to higher ground. This is my prayer for my generation; that we do what God gives us to do, regardless of how tough it is. That we aspire to make a positive difference in the world in the example of Christ Jesus- obedient, faithful, joyous, determined and full of compassion and love, with enough forgiveness to know that falling isn't the problem, as long as you rise to your feet again. To know that impossible is nothing- not with adidas, but with God.

I have been haunted by this quote this week and I strongly feel it applies to women as well as men. Edmund Burke said "ALL THAT IS NECESSARY FOR THE TRIUMPH OF EVIL IS THAT GOOD MEN DO NOTHING." This world is constantly looking for someone worthy enough to follow. We emulate people from the red carpet to the podium to a level which they don't deserve just because they are dynamic or are great public speakers. I argue that even in the Church that we follow people to often, instead of following Christ. Let us "be as cunning as snakes but as innocent as doves" (Matthew 10:16). But in the end I can say whatever I want to but if I have not faith, love and deeds my words are empty. And I will let you down. But Christ has put his faith into action, loved until he bled and died because you are worth it. So let us use the Ultimate Inspiration to change your sphere of influence for the better, and may your sphere of influence grow all the larger. Blessings and peace in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Winter Times

Going home (which is such a revolving term anyway) was excellent. It's wierd because when I told people I was going up north I told them I was going home and when I came back down south I told them I was comming back home. My immediate earthly (and spiritual) family makes any place home for me, but thankfully the rest of my church family makes any other place I am home for me as well.

This past week was amazing, hard, intense, fun and depressing all at once. During the week I felt compelled to make quick work of all the things I've been meaning to get done. I feel as I grow up that I will have to continue to be more on top of things. Beyond that, things began to shape up as far as the rest of the year is concerned, God willing. I think I have an internship lined up now and I plan to study in Costa Rica in the fall. I have prayed for both things for well over a year and God has blessed me with both, reminding me that while everything doesn't always go as I want it to, that He does bless me beyond what I deserve.

In doing so I really felt motivated to make this semester really count and to squeeze everthing out of it as God leads me. I really want to make Christ's love shown to others in a more authentic and purposeful way. As I push forward in this I pray with confidence that Christ will use me for His Glory and bring me in contact with others who will both encourage me and those who are searching for Love.

So for this semester I pray two things: that I may love God more and that I may somehow bless His heart despite myself. I pray you all be blessed this semester and the rest of the year in Christ Jesus and that His light may reveal the path at your feet as you search, explore and even fall at His feet.