Saturday, October 18, 2008

Piedras (rocks)

What motivates you?
It's a good question that I think very few of us ask ourselves. I was viewing the Teach For America website along with a private environmental consulting company in Lexington and it just came to me...what would motivate me if I ever found a future in either? I think that for me, the opportunity for a challenge motivates me. Can I do this? I have yet to find something that is too hard, it all depends on my determination. It's less about if I think something is the right fit and more about the opportunity to try something new. Life is full of new surprises, new opportunities and new adventure, however, we often miss them because we are so focused on one thing that it becomes difficult to take a hold of life's many obstacles and make them stepping stones. Our greatest challenges often open the very doors and truths we have been seeking. Let God help you turn your stumbling stones into bridges to the blessed future He has for you. Blessings in Christ.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Most people have experienced the feeling of loneliness. I know it's something I've had to fight since coming to Costa Rica. It's not something I'm unaccustomed to, I've known the feeling of loneliness before...but that doesn't make it any easier. God told Abraham his descendants would be "strangers in a country not their own" (Acts 7:6). Indeed the Children of Israel knew what it was like to feel out of place. So this is should not be a new concept to me, but it never seems to be any easier. God doesn't promise an easy life, but He does promise to "never...leave"(Hebrews 13:5). That does bring me comfort though.

In any case when I've felt lonely, I start to clam up and further isolate myself. It's easy to pity oneself and try to just endure it solo. But the Bible is very clear that we can't survive in isolation, and that we have to continue to seek out a community of believers and live in fellowship with one another. Christ prays that we "may all be one" (John 17:21) and I can't be one with the Church if I clam up. But also, God calls us to go and "make disciples" (Matt.28:19) and this does not permit simply clinging to a Christian huddle either. So as I have been encouraged to keep trying, I encourage anyone else to not give up in trying to get out of the "shell" of selfism and be in community with other believers, as well as those who don't believe, that they may know Christ and make Him know!
-Glory to God in the Highest! Bless you Lord Jesus Christ! May I honor your Name today in my community and encourage the brothers and sisters while drawing more to You in Love and Repentance for the Glory of Your Name Jesus Christ. Amen!