Friday, September 4, 2009

facing fears

Life changes. Fact.

Sometimes those changes are good and bring hope. Sometimes they are hard and bring sorrow. Sometimes you aren't sure what this change means. I've been talking to many people just in the past few days who are sitting on that second or third type of change. Its this change which often leads people along the nervy path of fear, myself included. Sometimes I walk this path by default, others because it is twistedly familiar. But fear will consume you if you let it in, and I'm through with letting it in.

Most changes in life involve things we cannot control. If we claim Jesus Christ as Lord we can control our fear. I've learned a lesson the past few days that, although Biblically true, I never believed or knew: FEAR IS SIN. I always prayed for God to release me from my fears and anxiety, never knowing He was waiting for repentance. I see now how I decide if I am going to trust what I hear in the myraid of noise in life, or if I am going to trust fully in God's Grace and Truth. If I choose to trust God, no matter the circumstances, I am choosing peace. If I choose fear, I am choosing spiritual anemia and death.

We live in a scary world right now, that is if we believe what we hear from everyone around us. However, if we listen to God's truth its the same world that has existed since Adam's fall. Our society is not at fault for the degradation of Christian community and the osteoporosis of the Church, WE ARE.

We have put our faith in the things of this world that are here and gone before we can blink. We have put our faith in things and people that have no real control of this life. We think that since we get everything at our fingertips that the world truly is at our fingertips. IT IS NOT. We have set up idols to the gods of this world that we have created. This is why we are so shaken when our economies teeter on the brink, we have given lipservice to God but put our faith in materialism. I, for one, am guilty of this and I repent before the Lord God Almighty who sits enthroned between the cherubim.

We have a choice, continue in this path of destruction that walks in fear and ends in death. Or we can choose the life God gives through faith in His Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth who ransomed the world by sacrificing his own life.

I choose Christ Jesus. I choose to fully claim the life of peace, grace, joy, hope, love and forgiveness that he offers abundantly. Its a daily decision.

What's your choice?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rest for the Weary

Have you ever felt nervous and anxious about whats next? Have you ever had dreams that you haven't been somewhere a while and then you return and you don't recognize the place? Thats me right now. I'm heading back to Lexington to a world I left 5 months ago and I am anxious.

I used to have dreams of coming to high school one day and not knowing where i was and being disoriented and not being able to find my locker. I've had that dream on and off for a few years now, but now it feels more like reality. Something about returning to a life that was so routine 5 months ago is a bit nerve racking now. I know that this is the last semester for most of my friends. I have friends I may not see much after May. I'll still be here finishing my last semester in the fall unless God finds a loophole for me. And it kinda scares me. I've done the best I know to get ready for heading back, but its still a bit scary. All I know is that I have to trust in the Lord as my peace. This song 'Rest for the Weary' by Cool Hand Luke keeps circling in my head and its calming me.

"You're my Jesus
You're my hero
Everything I wish I could be....
You're the one who comforts me
When everyone is gone away
I can't stand alone
Here I am
Waiting for You to take me home."

-Lord may I rest in You and You alone. I love You Lord. Keep me close. Bless your Holy Name Christ Jesus. Amen.