Tuesday, November 18, 2008


If anything I know is true, I know this is true, man cannot exist without community. I pray for a community. A community of believers. Being in Costa Rica for the past three months makes me wonder what the early patriarchs felt being in a strange land. I wonder how Joseph felt being the only Israelite in all of Egypt. I wonder how Paul felt being in the prison in Rome for a number of years. He says in Romans 7:19 "For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do-this I keep on doing." He knew what it was to fight for Christ and feel defeated. We all feel that at some point. Some of us feel it more often than not. But later he says "Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand." (Romans 14:4) So there is hope. Insert your name where it says 'he' and you will know that you can stand. It just amazes me that at the end of Acts that Paul is chained to a guard and under house arrest, yet still it is written "Boldy and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ." (Acts 28:31) -God may I boldly preach your Kingdom without hindrance! Amen in Christ Jesus' Name.
Thank God we have Christ to help us stand, because surely not by our might can we stand. For this is the reason Paul says to the Philippians "I Paul have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Christ Jesus who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:11-13)
-God teach me to be able to do all things in Christ Jesus and HIS strength. In Christ Jesus Name, Amen.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Stepping Up To The Plate

Ok people, lets get a few things straight. Obama has just won the election. Thats fine, I'm not thrilled nor down because of this election. Why? Well, because I don't really think that the next President of the United States will change the course of history. Past Presidents have changed some aspects of the world, but surely everything. And it is for this reason that I fear for this nation, not because of who it elected, but because of the reasons why I percieve this president to have been elected (I could be wrong though). The common trend I'm seeing is that many people have pinned the entire future of our country on one person. In reality I feel that many of us felt like that is what this election was about, both republicans and democrats, the entire future of the country. But lets be honest with ourselves people, does the future of this country really rest in one man's hands? - I don't think so.

The future of this country rests in the hands of every American and what we decide to do with our hands on a daily basis. We can choose to do good, or we can manipulate truth and trade truth for a lie. We can use white lies in business negotiations, we can cheat on the test, we can wait another day to get involved in our Church's and communities, or we can do the opposite. We can be honest in our dealings with other people, even when it hurts. We can study harder for the test because we believe an honest grade is better than a fun night before the test. We can get involved in Church and be leaders, with both words AND ACTION. I'm speaking about myself here too, so don't get me wrong, we all have some responsibility in making our world a better place (if you believe in Christ, you make the world better in His Name).

But, we are in very grave danger when we become armchair citizens and give the government a mandate to fix everything. This armchair mentality lead to the nightmare that is social security, the HUGE MONEY spent on this election, the awful immigration laws that has allowed for a system of second-class citizens (illegal immigrants) who work hard and yet have little protection from worker exploitation because our laws don't apply fully to them. Because we have chosen to not take care of our environment, the government steps in to do what we should have been doing all along- making sure we leave a planet for our kids better than the one we were given. So lets do something about our country other than giving a huge check to the government to act like its fixing things. IT'S NOT!

Second thing (i'm probably going to get murdered for this one but i don't care)
There is no such thing as a 'white race,' a 'black race,' a 'mexican race,' or an 'asian race.' There is only a human race. We may have different ethnicities, countries of birth, etc, but we do not have different races. Barack Obama is not of a different race than me, just as much as I am not of a different race as the Costa Rican family I currently live with. We are AMERICANS, and we are united in that, not divided in it. Sure, the people of the world may look different, but lets get this clear, THAT ONLY SHOWS THE CREATIVITY OF THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! No one is superior to me because of how they look, nor is anyone inferior to me because of how they look. The only distinction God makes is between those who fear Him, and those that despise His ways. And even then, the Lord desires that "all men come to repentance."

Why are the political pundits talking about 'Confederate' states and 'Union' states? I mean, are you kidding me?! How long ago was the Civil War and we are still allowing ignorant people to be on tv talking about how the ideals of our ancestors still divide us? Most of the people in this country have family that immigrated after the Civil War, so lets allow ourselves to put that piece of history to rest, especially when grouping people together! Good grief! Lets not perpetuate the myth here people.

Pray for the world, and in this time pray for the United States. Especially those of us that are citizens should be concerned right now because we have become a country dependent on buying things we cannot afford, and every leader I've heard has only encouraged more of the same. We are now all more in debt to the government because we keep buying things we cannot afford. The housing 'crisis' is an example of us buying thing we truly cannot afford. Lets pray that the consumer demon that haunts our country is replaced by a country that gets back to the good things in its past where we spend wisely and realize that 'things' wont ever truly make us happy. Lets start investing in people, because they actually matter. Stuff doesn't truly matter. And those of us that accept Christ as Lord, lets invest in people for the Glory of God, that we may bring a smile to His face as we bring invest truth and love into people's lives.

Lets pray that for our new leaders in Washington that they may listen to Heavenly Wisdom in doing their part to make this country, and this world a better place.